View Full Version : Pipe Smoker's may live longer

02-21-2016, 10:11 AM
Stole this link from another forum but thought I'd give it a share.

The Institute of Man » Pipe Smokers Live Longer… (http://www.instituteofman.com/2014/03/03/pipe-smokers-live-longer/)

02-21-2016, 11:26 AM
Stole this link from another forum but thought I'd give it a share.
"Pipe smoking also helps us socialize with our friends and with strangers in ways that facebook and social media just can’t do."

I think this statement say's it all.
Good read thanks for sharing.

02-21-2016, 03:02 PM
Important to be aware that the study often used saying "we have newer, better studies than the 64 SG report" actually had similar findings, but was agenda driven.

Association Between Exclusive Pipe Smoking and Mortality From Cancer and Other Diseases (http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/96/11/853.full)

excerpt: "Comprehensively documenting the deleterious health effects of pipe smoking is important in countering efforts by the tobacco industry to promote pipes as a desirable alternative to cigarettes or cigars. "

The finding was more of less the same-- moderate, non inhaling pipe smokers have very little health risks (often within the range of being statistically insignificant), especially ones who don't drink alcohol excessively either.

They got some of their desired results by lumping all the groups they controlled for together, averaging everything out. So they say nebulously that "pipe smoking" increases risks for X by 200% for example, they are averaging everyone-- those who smoke one bowl per day, and those who smoke 11+, inhaled deeply, and drink excessively. Very sloppy, but for their agenda it was necessary (and probably their funding also).

02-22-2016, 02:22 PM
Yeah, that's like a study I read where the LEAST frequent cigar smoker was 5 cigars A DAY.

That's like doing a study on the effects of alcohol, and you only include people who drink 5 or more servings of alcohol DAILY.

Chad Vegas
02-22-2016, 03:09 PM
Love the article! It's interesting to ponder whether stress is more harmful than smoking a pipe. Obviously it depends on how much & how often you smoke, so many studies are easily manipulated by picking borderline addicts.