View Full Version : Flavor Intencity
Intencity just as strange as the descriptions on pipe tobaccos...I like cavandish and burleys an I keep readin say's cherry...where its not in the taste its floatin in the air like some air freshner.....rum brandy plum walnut same thin no matter what I how do I get red of that air freshiner an get it in my mouth???????
01-20-2016, 09:53 PM
Intencity just as strange as the descriptions on pipe tobaccos...I like cavandish and burleys an I keep readin say's cherry...where its not in the taste its floatin in the air like some air freshner.....rum brandy plum walnut same thin no matter what I how do I get red of that air freshiner an get it in my mouth???????
If you were a woman I could answer that.......
If you were a woman I could answer that.......
what makes ya think I aint????????
01-20-2016, 10:11 PM
what makes ya think I aint???????? just came out of my fingers before I could think. Actually thinking is not one of my strong points, and you are fairly sporty lookin'. ..... just came out of my fingers before I could think. Actually thinking is not one of my strong points, and you are fairly sporty lookin'. .....
sporty is for those beach tramps........Im Femanish an ya would know that ifin you had ever really sucked on one.....
01-20-2016, 10:26 PM
sporty is for those beach tramps........Im Femanish an ya would know that ifin you had ever really sucked on one.....
I have no idea where to go with that.....Ain't it funny how time slips away....
I have no idea where to go with that.....Ain't it funny how time slips away....
times not a barrier its a window......
01-20-2016, 10:40 PM
times not a barrier its a window......
I know.....and I just found out my aunt had balls.....I guess she's really my uncle????......
Be back in a spell. Mom just called and I guess big brother is in the hospital. It's always sumptin'.....
I know.....and I just found out my aunt had balls.....I guess she's really my uncle????......
Be back in a spell. Mom just called and I guess big brother is in the hospital. It's always sumptin'.....
you mispeld that here let me fix it for ya..(aucle) there ya go..
let me ssee here................yep there's those cigar's I dont like an I got to many ov them.........
01-20-2016, 11:08 PM
you mispeld that here let me fix it for ya..(aucle) there ya go..
You beat anything I ever helt, felt or smelt....Best....
You beat anything I ever helt, felt or smelt....Best....
.........been to Papoojack's World...have ya?????????????
01-20-2016, 11:34 PM
.........been to Papoojack's World...have ya?????????????
I may have, but I was prolly drunker than a waltlzin' piss ant....
01-20-2016, 11:35 PM
Welcome to Harvey the Rabbits World David, now when did you want them roadapples delivered?
01-20-2016, 11:38 PM
Welcome to Harvey the Rabbits World David, now when did you want them roadapples delivered?
I have plenty at the farm. Need some????....
I do know ifin a $40 dollar pipe is worth $30
01-21-2016, 12:06 AM
Lynn how was the Muddy Waters? Thats pretty strong stuff for pipe tobacco.
Lynn how was the Muddy Waters? Thats pretty strong stuff for pipe tobacco.
strong but no taste to me, real good room notes.......Im lookin at Butera Sweet Cavendish..Green River Black Cavendish...Peter Stokkebye 201 Black Cavendish......that hunter blend has great notes an some sweetness, but I want some taste when I when I smoke peaches an cream.....or black cherry rum
that hunter say's carmel taste an I can taste it but Id like it strong in taste...
I just dont understand why ifin ya tryin to get a bargin ya'd bid it up tell shippin makes it cost more than retail.....
that barrel 76 is strong an has a slight sweet taste, just got it today from pc an I like it, they had to back order the bootleg, butt everyone one of the other samplers dont give me any taste what the labeles say.....
01-21-2016, 08:45 AM
Try Top Black Cherry; it is supposed to have true cherry flavor.
Cool Breeze
01-21-2016, 12:49 PM
This is a big reason I don't smoke many aromatics. Hardly any at all.
H&H Burley Kake is about the only one I really enjoy. Sutliff Rum & Maple actually has the maple flavor it advertises.
But most smell great and taste terrible to me.
I have heard that Dan Tobacco makes the best aros. I'll get around to trying Sweet Vanilla Honeydew eventually. I've heard its great.
Emperor Zurg
01-21-2016, 01:16 PM
This is normal. Aros seldom have any flavor. They always smell better than they taste IMO.
Get yourself a tin of 1792 flake. That has flavor. It's topped but it's far from an aromatic - it friggin reeks.
Dunhill Nightcap has flavor - lots of good flavor IMO. Room note on that one reeks too.
GL Pease Gaslight is good - lots of flavor there. Again, room note reeks.
Been enjoying Sam Gawith Chocolate flake as of late. Don't look for the chocolate flavor tho, it's barley there if that. It's just very nice, smooth tobacco flavor. I half think 'chocolate' just refers to the color of the flakes.
If you just can't leave the aromatics alone, pick up some Dan SVHD like has been mentioned. Drew Estate 7th avenue blonde is a good one too.
01-22-2016, 08:26 AM
Yes the air freshener thing has been my experience with aros for the most part. They smell good for other people, and have very little in way of mouth feel or tangible flavor.
Latakia is a "aromatic" too, in the sense that it's super fragrant-- ya just might not like it !!
01-22-2016, 10:39 AM
Someone sent me a couple bowls of Tsuge First Day of Spring and Summer Daydream. Seems they had a good amount of taste. IMO aromatics always smell better than they taste, and non-aromatics taste better than they smell.
01-22-2016, 10:47 AM
Subtle is the word, you gotta take it slow and easy! Carry on Sarge.