View Full Version : Sliced Black Twist by Gawith & Hoggarth

11-26-2015, 09:21 AM
Recently I got interested in ropes and twists and that led to an interest in Gawith & Hoggarth blends. So, in order to do some research on G&H blends, I ordered quantities of several of their blends, this being one of them. There's no turning back now, because I like all of the ones that I have tried so far. The appearance of this tobacco is a ribbony mass with the remnants of some sliced coins in the mix. It is black, of course, with some reddish tones when you turn it just right in the light. The aroma of the bag is very slightly floral, but not as much as some G&H blends. It is moist out of the bag, so I let it air-dry for about 30 minutes to an hour. It packs easily into the bowl and lights fairly easily, depending on how dry you allow it to get. I smoked it in a small-bowled BBB Sovereign Dublin and found it to be very tasty and a little sweet. There's not a lot of complexity in this smoke, but lots of good tobacco power and flavor. The strength (nicotine) of this tobacco is great, but I found it to be smooth and rich. It would be good to blend with some weaker tobaccos to give them a little kick. The smoke is relatively cool and dry. I really enjoy smoking this tobacco because of its pure, unadulterated tobacco flavor.