View Full Version : Dangerous Storm

11-14-2015, 01:32 PM
Been dreading the weather forecast all week, predictions of near nine inches of rain just north of here. Walk out today and the mail carrier hands me a box, and damn it smells good. Haebar hit me good, now I probably wont notice the rain a bit. Thank You
http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w366/awssr58/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-11/F9DF9C0F-BDC6-4CF8-ABD7-04D0ECEB55B3_zpswjs0o4qt.jpg (http://s1072.photobucket.com/user/awssr58/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-11/F9DF9C0F-BDC6-4CF8-ABD7-04D0ECEB55B3_zpswjs0o4qt.jpg.html)