View Full Version : BCA by Lane Limited

11-12-2015, 07:06 AM
My first taste was of sweet vanilla in a very smooth smoke. I smoked it in a small-medium BBB Dublin. The tobacco was moist to the touch coming out of bulk and I smoked it that way with no air time, but I do recommend some air time for BCA. The smoke is light to medium in richness and is low in nicotine. It was purchased with the intent to blend it with other stronger tobaccos, but it is a very good aromatic by itself. Not much complexity here, just smooth vanilla aromatic smoke. It smokes cool with no bite. And, in spite of my not giving it any air time, it smokes dry.

Pipe Used: small-medium BBB Dublin briar

Age When Smoked: 1 year

Purchased From: National Electronics (local store)

11-14-2015, 12:49 PM
Purchased From: National Electronics (local store)

That must be quite an electronics store :)

11-14-2015, 01:35 PM
That must be quite an electronics store :)

Yea, it's an old-school electronics repair shop and he's got a walk-in humidor with quite a selection of cigars and about 10-12 Lane and Sutliff pipe blends sold in bulk. He's been selling cigars and tobaccos for as long as I've been here (20 years). It's pretty much the only option in town for premium cigars and pipe tobaccos. Yesterday when I was buying some 1 oz. samples of some blends, he gave me a 1 oz. bag of Peter Stokkebye Sweet Vanilla for free.