View Full Version : Haebar reviews Tambolaka

10-15-2015, 05:45 PM
I received an ounce of Tambolaka as a gift from Shemp Jizzle; it was already rubbed out and ready to smoke. It was on the dry side when I smoked the first bowl. There is a gamey, vegetal aspect in addition to natural tobacco flavor that was particularly noticeable in the first few bowls. I didn't know if I would be able to get past that at first but found that I kept coming back for more. This stuff grows on you. The taste that I spoke of is not unpleasant but is unlike anything I've experienced up to now. It is a relatively strong (nicotine) tobacco compared to most available tobaccos. The flavor is very satisfying, just plain tobacco without adornment. I did not find it to be bitter.

Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaums, briars