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View Full Version : Haebar reviews MacBaren Black Ambrosia

10-02-2015, 03:31 PM
This is a very mild blend that is tasty with a balanced flavor spectrum. It is so mild that I occasionally start to relight only to find that it is burning fine. But then it states on the tin that it is a light tobacco, so I am not faulting it for that. The tobacco that I am smoking was relatively dry out of the factory sealed package. For an aromatic it burns surprisingly dry and cool. It smokes so cool that I am surprised that I haven't burned my tongue puffing on this so much trying to get more body out of it. If you like light and mild tobaccos, this would be a good candidate. The flavoring is just right, not too much or too little. The taste for me is vanilla primarily. The quality of the tobacco seems to be very good, as I didn't see or feel any tough leaf midribs or veins in the mix.