View Full Version : Gawith & Hoggarth Sweet Maple Review

09-12-2015, 03:59 PM
I started smoking a big-bowled pipe of this and just had to put it down for a while because of the strength of this tobacco. This is definitely the "Copenhagen" of pipe tobaccos; meaning it is as strong as Copenhagen smokeless tobacco in terms of nicotine. I sliced it into coins with my cigar cutter and then rubbed out the coins to get a fairly consistent pile. Then I let it air out for a few hours to get it at the proper moisture level. The maple flavoring is very subtle for me; I can just now taste it on my lips after having put the pipe down for the last 10 minutes or so. In smoking, it is not goopy or wet like some other aromatics. This is my second go with this tobacco. The first time I tried it I didn't let it dry enough and it was difficult to keep lit. This and some Black Irish X was generously gifted to me by OnePyroTec from CigarBum.com some months back. It is an enjoyable smoke and a pleasant change of pace from most other types of tobaccos that I have tried up to this point.

Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum General

Age When Smoked: 2 years

Purchased From: a gift

09-13-2015, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the review. When I saw your lead off statement "I started smoking a big-bowled pipe of this", I immediately though uh-oh...

I have tried a few G&H ropes and they all stop me in my tracks. I've concluded I can't handle the strength and have to cut them 50/50 with some PA. YMMV

Emperor Zurg
09-13-2015, 09:02 PM
Fwiw, I like every GH rope I've tried but not straight up. The flavor as well as the nicotine is just too much. The flavor just ends up tasting like burning hot pepper scorching my nose and the st Nick freight train is something I don't like getting hit by. IMO the ropes and twists really shine when you mix them with something milder that could use some backbone.

09-14-2015, 08:49 AM
The same thing happened to me with my first foray into Gawith ropes. Strong stuff.
I use it to kick weaker blends up a notch!