View Full Version : CRA, opinions?
Puros Abroad
08-28-2015, 09:12 PM
Just as in the title....
Taxes on cigars are ridiculous in my home state. Anybody know if the CRA is a good organization to support?
08-30-2015, 12:39 AM
From what I hear they seem like thry are trying to do a lot of good. I have beeen thinking about being a member but have yet to join.
08-30-2015, 11:29 AM
I'm not aware of any other organization lobbying for cigar rights. The spread allot of info and organise congressional mailings when bills are coming up either for support or against. I'm a member in auto renew. I live in NY and taxes are insane. I think we have a 75% tax here.
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Puros Abroad
08-30-2015, 07:25 PM
Well, thats good to hear. Perhaps I will donate.
Ive recently become worried over this petition close to my hometown, which doesnt affect most of us hobbyist smokers. But nonetheless...
Licensed 2 Sell Tobacco (
US cigar smokers pay 40% tax over here :( I better get moving to NH or FL, hahahaha.
Herf N Turf
08-31-2015, 11:58 AM
Like any other lobbying organization, CRA depends entirely on our support and input. From what I can see though, they're doing a good job and are very responsible with the monies we send them. I've been intending to put up an ad for them here.
08-31-2015, 01:15 PM
I'm not aware of any other organization lobbying for cigar rights. The spread allot of info and organise congressional mailings when bills are coming up either for support or against. I'm a member in auto renew. I live in NY and taxes are insane. I think we have a 75% tax here.
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Just to clairfy this a bit. NY used to have a 75% tax on cigars. However the law was written poorly and there wasn't really a way to know which price the tax was on, wholesale, retail, etc. So the tax is now 38% on the wholesale cost to the retailer.
Also, CRA seems like they should be worth our time and money.
09-02-2015, 08:47 AM
CRA is the only game in town. Groups who don't lobby legislators get steamrolled when the laws are written.
Emperor Zurg
09-02-2015, 09:16 AM
CRA is the only game in town. Groups who don't lobby legislators get steamrolled when the laws are written.
Yeah, no kidding. You've got to pay to play with the the US Congress. The finest 'fairness' available served up to the highest bidder.