06-30-2015, 10:25 PM
Question 1: is not a dumb question at all. Many tobaccos improve with a little rest. Just put it in a canning jar and let it rest for a few days and it often improves the taste.
Question 2: Is there a question in there? With practice your technique and packing will improve and the pipe will go out less. Smoking slow improves flavour and prevents tongue bite, but I am a fine one to talk. I smoke like a freight train. I just tend to smoke tobacco that can stand hard puffing. Aeros and Virginias are prone to tongue bite and lighter tobaccos more than the stout, heavy ones. Most of what I smoke fall definitely into the heavy category so I don't get bit often.
Thanks! So I take it "resting" tobacco is more to do with the tin being opened for the first time, rather than stabilizing humidity after travel like with cigars?
Ha, yeah I guess I didn't really get around to asking question 2.... With cigars the ideal is supposed to be to puff once or twice a minute. Is it the same with pipes, and is that even possible without constant relights? I did get tongue bite with that Firedance today. :p I might try drying out a little next time.
Question 2: Is there a question in there? With practice your technique and packing will improve and the pipe will go out less. Smoking slow improves flavour and prevents tongue bite, but I am a fine one to talk. I smoke like a freight train. I just tend to smoke tobacco that can stand hard puffing. Aeros and Virginias are prone to tongue bite and lighter tobaccos more than the stout, heavy ones. Most of what I smoke fall definitely into the heavy category so I don't get bit often.
Thanks! So I take it "resting" tobacco is more to do with the tin being opened for the first time, rather than stabilizing humidity after travel like with cigars?
Ha, yeah I guess I didn't really get around to asking question 2.... With cigars the ideal is supposed to be to puff once or twice a minute. Is it the same with pipes, and is that even possible without constant relights? I did get tongue bite with that Firedance today. :p I might try drying out a little next time.