View Full Version : BryGuy reviews H&H Meat Candy

04-10-2015, 12:12 AM
Date: 4/3/15
Tobacco: Hearth & Home Meat Candy
Age: Just received
Blend Contents: Burley, Cavendish
Pipe: MM Eaton
Tin Note: Savory?
Prep: Frank method

This was an interesting smoke. I wasn’t sure what to expect with a name like “Meat Candy!” I was wandering through the bulk offerings at P&C and the name jumped out at me, so I tossed an ounce in the cart.
I expected to hate this blend, but I was pleasantly surprised. It definitely had a sweetness to it, which was evident right from the start. It was not a cloying sweet; more smooth and subdued.
Along with the sweetness, there was a certain saltiness or savory taste. Thankfully, not actual bacon flavor. I had to check tobaccoreviews.com to see what exactly it was. I assume it was the hickory-smoked burley. I’m not a big latakia fan, but the smokey note from the hickory-smoked burley was very nice. I’ll have to look for this in other blends.

I quite enjoyed this blend, and will probably order some more to have on hand.

Tobias Lutz
04-10-2015, 08:02 AM
I'm stoked to try the sample of this that Thomas sent me. Thanks for the review!

04-13-2015, 07:11 PM
One of the few aros I like.

04-13-2015, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the review. Meat Candy - sounds like a euphemism :)