View Full Version : Biggest nicotine hit

03-12-2015, 08:27 PM
I've read reviews of Solani 656 Aged Burley Flake gives a big nicotine hit but I haven't tried it. I'm just curious what other pipe tobaccos have high nicotine content or give you a good buzz. I've only had a few, one of which was Obsidian which at the time I didnt care for, but I got a good bit of nicotine from.

03-12-2015, 08:49 PM
Any Samuel Gawith or Gawith & Hoggarth Rope will do the trick.

I like SG Black XX Twist myself. Great hardy taste with a nice N hit.

Emperor Zurg
03-12-2015, 09:10 PM
G&H Happy Bogie will tune you up. As freestoke has said: "...a cigar sized portion of Happy Bogie would kill you"
Tambolaka will also do the trick but IMO, HB is a little stronger.
1792 Flake is up there too but comes in at a distant third place behind he first two.

If you really want to cheat death, tuck a good coin of G&H Sweet Rum Twist between the cheek and gum whilst smoking a big bowl of Happy Bogie :D ... and happy puking :D :D

03-12-2015, 09:35 PM
I never found ABF to be strong but to each his own.

GQ BurPer Kake was the first tobacco to kind of put me in "you better have a seat behind you because you're falling back now" mode.

C&D Burley Flake #3 has a sneaky nicotine hit that comes up on you through the smoke.

Some honorable mentions are 1792, Irish Flake, Old Joe Krantz and Five Brothers

03-12-2015, 11:15 PM
Brandon and Zurg both hit the mark. Whoever thinks ABF gives a big nicotine kick will be overwhelmed by the nicotine content of the listed tobaccos. I used to dip a LOT and understand a good nicotine buzz...and it's definitely there with those blends. I personally don't smoke for a rush like that, I prefer flavor. But when I want a head rush I take a big bite out of some sweet rum twist (or any of the sweet ropes) and chew it. Oooooh its good :D

03-12-2015, 11:33 PM
TAMBO!!!!! It is some pretty stout stuff, though some of the rope tobaccos are equal or maybe stronger.

03-12-2015, 11:46 PM
Less well known, but a nicotine monster, is Daughters & Ryan Picayune. A nice-tasting shag cut tobacco that sneaks up on you, and before you know it, you're nailed to your chair.

I have tried Brown Bogie, Tambolaka and some of the others. Good and strong but often a bit harsh too. As a simple tobacco goes, the Twist tobacco made by Turkey Foot Trading will turn you green after just a small pinch.

03-13-2015, 12:38 AM
Black Irish XX for sure. First time I tried it I was tripping balls. Might as well have been purple microdot. I may be getting jaded, but IF isn't all that strong to me anymore, and while I would never try it on an empty stomach, Brown Bogie has been tamed by time. I think that pace, diet, and environmental conditions all play a major role in how strong (or not) a blend might present. One of the first times I tried Irish Oak I got a hell of a buzz, but that was after several hours working in a microbiology lab, taking a small and quick lunch, and then moving outside in 90+ degree heat to enjoy the view of scantily clad co-eds prancing around the commons of the university at which I was conducting my research.

On second thought, maybe it wasn't the tobacco....

03-13-2015, 10:24 AM
I'm not necessarily looking just for the hit, though I do enjoy the feeling. I was just kind of wondering which ones did it for you.

Emperor Zurg
03-16-2015, 06:48 PM
I'm not necessarily looking just for the hit, though I do enjoy the feeling. I was just kind of wondering which ones did it for you.

A few questions;

Do you have any of the Pine Grove left?
Did you like it?
Do you enjoy mild cherry flavors in tobacco?
Are you looking for a bit of a nic hit?

I might have just the thing...

Oh, and your PM box is full

03-16-2015, 07:55 PM
Less well known, but a nicotine monster, is Daughters & Ryan Picayune. A nice-tasting shag cut tobacco that sneaks up on you, and before you know it, you're nailed to your chair.

I noticed that in their ad copy - mental note to add an ounce or two to my next Pipes and Cigars order.

03-16-2015, 08:00 PM
Sam Gawith Brown #4 is one you should definitely smoke while sitting down. Preferably on the commode :)

Perique seems to be a pretty good vector for vitamin N in whatever blend it's in. A fellow on the old forum (maybe one of you guys, I forget who) talked about smoking straight perique for a real kick in the pants. So I had to try it. Couldn't even make it thru half a bowl in a mini-meer.

03-16-2015, 08:42 PM
I think personal tolerances change and evolve. freestoke mentioned that he now has a greater tolerance for nicotine than in the past.

Gawith & Hoggarth tend to make coarse, strong, well made and intended tobaccos. I have to take the Dark Flake only occasionally but they make strong stuff that this as well.

03-16-2015, 08:58 PM
A few questions;

Do you have any of the Pine Grove left?
Did you like it?
Do you enjoy mild cherry flavors in tobacco?
Are you looking for a bit of a nic hit?

I might have just the thing...

Oh, and your PM box is full

Cleared the Inbox... :)
The Pine Grove WAS good, its gone. Cherry is good. Nicotine is good.
Actually every one of the tobaccos you sent me were great!

03-17-2015, 11:55 PM
I think personal tolerances change and evolve. freestoke mentioned that he now has a greater tolerance for nicotine than in the past.

Gawith & Hoggarth tend to make coarse, strong, well made and intended tobaccos. I have to take the Dark Flake only occasionally but they make strong stuff that this as well.

And with that, my morning bowl is determined. GH Dark Flake Unscented sounds lovely.

03-18-2015, 12:31 AM
And with that, my morning bowl is determined. GH Dark Flake Unscented sounds lovely.

Enjoy! :)

03-18-2015, 11:46 AM
There will be a new entry to this category coming Friday, March 20th. I can't say any more than that right now.


Emperor Zurg
03-18-2015, 12:34 PM
There will be a new entry to this category coming Friday, March 20th. I can't say any more than that right now.


Hey Russ! Glad to see you found us! :)
I'm interested to see your latest offering.

03-18-2015, 01:19 PM
Hey Russ! Glad to see you found us! :)
I'm interested to see your latest offering.

I'm glad I was invited to join. I missed the Puff crew. Fire Storm is being put away as I write this and should begin shipping out. The feedback has been outstanding. I don't know if it ranks up there with the powerhouses that everyone has mentioned, but it's no lightweight, for sure.


03-20-2015, 11:23 AM
Ok, so... The old adage "be careful what you ask for." Yes. Be careful. I asked an old timer that I know if he'd tried Happy Bogie and he's like "oh yeah, I've got some of that. Here, try it."

So I just got up from the floor just now. Wow! Granted, it was fairly new and I'd never tried it but holy cow is that heavy in nicotine! I only smoked a half bowl and even after I'd had a bite to eat I felt the hit. Not a really great flavor, but I could see a similarly between cigar tobacco which I smoke a lot of. But its been a while since I'd experienced that kind of hit.

Cross that off my list.

Emperor Zurg
03-20-2015, 11:56 AM
Cross that off my list.

Oh, not totally!! I don't smoke the ropes straight. Guess I'm not man enough for that :p But they do make excellent blending agents to add some depth/body to a weak aromatic or Cavendish or OTC. Just don't try to smoke them straight up unless you're suffering from insomnia and looking for a cure :D Try cutting the HB with about 70% Prince Albert. Nice smoke with a decent punch. I tend to cube cut a coin or two into 1/8" to 3/16" squares, let them dry for an hour at least - usually longer, then sprinkle them in with some other blend as I'm filling a bowl.

03-20-2015, 12:02 PM
Ah, yes. Not straight. Good advice. :)

I let it dry about 45 minutes and it was a little damp still. Perhaps if I do try it again I'll mix it into something that needs a little kick. Maybe the Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman pouch I have. VaPer/Happy Bogie blend?

Emperor Zurg
03-20-2015, 12:20 PM
That might work. HB is basically a virginia. Maybe you'd end up with a VAper :D

Sending out a couple bomblets tonight and you're on the list; an interesting combo dreamed up by none other than Tobias Lutz. I never would have thought of this. It's Pine Grove and G&H Dark Cherry twist. It makes for a really nice mix. It can really pack a punch too if you want it to. DCT is very similar to Happy Bogie but with just a hint of cherry flavor.

03-20-2015, 12:42 PM
Ah, yes. Not straight. Good advice. :)

I let it dry about 45 minutes and it was a little damp still. Perhaps if I do try it again I'll mix it into something that needs a little kick. Maybe the Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman pouch I have. VaPer/Happy Bogie blend?

I mix Dark Flake (Unscented) and Dark Sliced (they're not the same) with Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake or Escudo. I can smoke my 30+ year old Happy Brown Bogie pigtail straight - it has mellowed with a lot of age.

I find that Gawith Hoggarth flakes and ropes are still very similar to what they were many years ago. They were always coarse, never subtle but always big on flavor and they still deliver. My advice when smoking the high nicotine mixture is to focus on controlling the volume of smoke. Sip them slowly.

03-26-2015, 09:25 PM
That might work. HB is basically a virginia. Maybe you'd end up with a VAper :D

Sending out a couple bomblets tonight and you're on the list; an interesting combo dreamed up by none other than Tobias Lutz. I never would have thought of this. It's Pine Grove and G&H Dark Cherry twist. It makes for a really nice mix. It can really pack a punch too if you want it to. DCT is very similar to Happy Bogie but with just a hint of cherry flavor.

Got the bomblet and Thank You Sir! Good stuff, interesting taste. I liked the combination quite a bit.

03-27-2015, 08:21 AM
In addition to the others mentioned, Half & Half has always been satisfying in the nicotine sense for me.

Emperor Zurg
03-27-2015, 08:40 AM
Got the bomblet and Thank You Sir! Good stuff, interesting taste. I liked the combination quite a bit.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Ya, that's a lot better way to enjoy a twist than trying to power thru it straight.
I credit freestoke for the concept of blending ropes and twists as you would a mixed drink, and Tobias Lutz for coming up with this particular combination. I've mixed that same Black Cherry Twist with Dan Sweet Vanilla Honeydew and that was tasty as well. I occasionally enjoy PS Cherry Bonbon but it's a rather 'empty' smoke, if you know what I mean... don't know how else to describe it. A sprinkling of BCT cubes is just what the doctor ordered to spice that blend right up.

Sheesh, the enablers on this site are just awful...

03-27-2015, 10:33 AM
Well.... Emperor Zurg

Leave it to me. I mixed my last Black Cherry coin with some Grousemoor last night :p

Wow! Good stuff! It is like a mix between Earl Grey, Cherry, and Lemon. In my pipe!

Yes please :pipe:

(As far as nicotine hit though, not so much. Of course I smoked the Black Cherry straight and didn't even get a buzz...so YMMV)

Emperor Zurg
03-27-2015, 12:04 PM
Grousemoor eh? Now I'm going to 'need' a tin of that, because that sounds delicious. I love Earl Grey tea.

The enabling on this site is out of control. http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae231/E-Zurg/ahhh_zpsdb9cf18f.gif

03-27-2015, 07:58 PM
Sheesh, the enablers on this site are just awful...

We're like the Canadian Mounties, we always get out man!

03-27-2015, 09:55 PM
Yep. I'm going to have to move cigar money over into a pipe tobacco fund. Another $65 just spent.

Damn enablers.

So what else is good?

03-27-2015, 10:06 PM
Yep. I'm going to have to move cigar money over into a pipe tobacco fund. Another $65 just spent.

Damn enablers.

So what else is good?
Well it's ok really. I mean, if you keep piping away, soon you won't have to worry about some silly cigar fund [emoji12]

My suggestion is slow down and smoke what you have/have coming and learn what you enjoy. There are so many pipe tobaccos out there that it can get pretty overwhelming if you can't narrow it down a bit.

03-27-2015, 10:25 PM
Well it's ok really. I mean, if you keep piping away, soon you won't have to worry about some silly cigar fund [emoji12]

If it weren't for that emoji I would have been put off. ;). My cigars are what keep me sane. I smoke one every morning, then a pipe around lunch. Then either a cigar or pipe on the way home.

My taste is evolving for sure. Earlier in the day though I still like aromatics best, especially Shenandoah. I'm finding VaPers enjoyable more than before but some a lot more than others. Latakia blends later in the day are good for me. But I've had a few miscellaneous blends that I.got no nicotine from and was left needing it. That's mostly why I started this thread. I smoked a bowl of one tobacco or another and got no satisfaction as far as nicotine.

But yes, with what's on hand now I'm in good shape.

03-27-2015, 10:34 PM
If it weren't for that emoji I would have been put off. ;). My cigars are what keep me sane. I smoke one every morning, then a pipe around lunch. Then either a cigar or pipe on the way home.

My taste is evolving for sure. Earlier in the day though I still like aromatics best, especially Shenandoah. I'm finding VaPers enjoyable more than before but some a lot more than others. Latakia blends later in the day are good for me. But I've had a few miscellaneous blends that I.got no nicotine from and was left needing it. That's mostly why I started this thread. I smoked a bowl of one tobacco or another and got no satisfaction as far as nicotine.

But yes, with what's on hand now I'm in good shape.
Luckily I smoke for flavor and not nicotine. I also have a really high nicotine tolerance, so even stronger blends and cigars don't do much for me. Only inhaling gives me a buzz, and I quit doing that when I dropped cigarettes and have never looked back.

I used to be a heavy cigar guy too. I still have a coolidor and couple humis....but I sold my wineador and good chunk of my stash years ago. Pipes rein supreme in my world :pipe:

03-28-2015, 09:09 AM
Its not my main objective, but if it isn't the whole package I sometimes find the smoke lacking. A great tasting tobacco with very little nicotine is great but sometimes its not enough.

I like Scotch, but if it tasted amazing and I didn't get a buzz I'd be disappointed, you know what I mean?

03-28-2015, 10:22 AM
Its not my main objective, but if it isn't the whole package I sometimes find the smoke lacking. A great tasting tobacco with very little nicotine is great but sometimes its not enough.

I like Scotch, but if it tasted amazing and I didn't get a buzz I'd be disappointed, you know what I mean?

Yeah I get, and at the same time, don't get what you are saying haha.

Like I said, I have a pretty high nicotine tolerance, so very very few tobaccos give me a nicotine hit at all. I can't think of a single pipe tobacco that gives me both a great flavor and some vitamin N. I guess Samuel Gawith Black XX Twist would fit the bill. That is a big boy's kind of tobacco, but not something I feel like smoking often :pipe:

03-28-2015, 10:23 AM
Brandon and Zurg both hit the mark. Whoever thinks ABF gives a big nicotine kick will be overwhelmed by the nicotine content of the listed tobaccos. I used to dip a LOT and understand a good nicotine buzz...and it's definitely there with those blends. I personally don't smoke for a rush like that, I prefer flavor. But when I want a head rush I take a big bite out of some sweet rum twist (or any of the sweet ropes) and chew it. Oooooh its good :D

I think even RY probably has a heavier dose of Vitamin N than ABF. Anybody mention Bayou Morning Flake yet? NOT the mixture, the flake. There is definitely a confusion on tobaccoreviews, with reviewers apparently putting reviews for the latter in with the former, resulting in a lower rating strength for BMF than I feel it deserves. I found it pretty hefty, right in the Irish Flake region of the spectrum.

03-28-2015, 10:32 AM
I think even RY probably has a heavier dose of Vitamin N than ABF. Anybody mention Bayou Morning Flake yet? NOT the mixture, the flake. There is definitely a confusion on tobaccoreviews, with reviewers apparently putting reviews for the latter in with the former, resulting in a lower rating strength for BMF than I feel it deserves. I found it pretty hefty, right in the Irish Flake region of the spectrum.

Good call on both the BMF and the Irish Flake. I haven't seen either of them mentioned yet. A lot of people say Old Joe Krantz is another one that will knock your socks off, but I don't notice much Nicotine in it at all.

Ennerdale is missing too, but that takes a true man to smoke. Don't step up to that until you're ready PMR :D

03-28-2015, 12:34 PM
Good call on both the BMF and the Irish Flake. I haven't seen either of them mentioned yet. A lot of people say Old Joe Krantz is another one that will knock your socks off, but I don't notice much Nicotine in it at all.

Ennerdale is missing too, but that takes a true man to smoke. Don't step up to that until you're ready PMR :D

When one is with the lovely Lady Ennerdale, her heady perfume perhaps distracts us from everybody's sweetheart, Lady Nicotine. Ennerdale is about like RY I'd guess. Never thought about it, actually! But yeah, Ennerdale is a solid smoke.

03-28-2015, 08:05 PM
When one is with the lovely Lady Ennerdale, her heady perfume perhaps distracts us from everybody's sweetheart, Lady Nicotine. Ennerdale is about like RY I'd guess. Never thought about it, actually! But yeah, Ennerdale is a solid smoke.
A sweet Ennerdale. of late I've been seeing her less voluptuous sister, Grousemoor. I need to step into her boudoir again soon.