View Full Version : Nubber advice?

Sir Lancerolot
07-03-2024, 11:11 PM
I have a stainless steel nubber made for me by a friend. I love it because he made it. I hate it because it flavors the cigar. Yep - I taste the hot metal. Toothpicks are no better (just different) - I taste the burning wood. This nubber is fairly large-gauge; would a thinner spike color the flavor less? Do I need to go to tungsten? Chromium? Titanium? Ceramic? Roach clip? Waste the last 3/4 inch?

07-05-2024, 11:21 PM
I'd say toss it. If you're tasting the stainless, you'd probably taste the other metals. I don't think ceramics being heated and inhaled would be good for you.

SoCal gunner
07-05-2024, 11:24 PM
Are you sure it's stainless?

If so, roach clip or calloused fingers.

Sir Lancerolot
07-06-2024, 05:40 PM
Are you sure it's stainless?

Yeah - but of course there's stainless and then there's stainless, and then there's stainless and then there's a whole bunch of other stainlesses. I think I'll throw something together with a smaller diameter business end and see if that does it. Heck - I used to use a barbecue skewer for Pete's sake, and never tasted it. Maybe it's the composition of the metal. A skewer SHOULD be flavorless, right? I can call on my superfriend, Grindor, and work something out.