View Full Version : Don't Waste Your Money - Xikar Crystal Jar Humidifier

10-26-2022, 04:56 PM

The 4 oz Xikar Crystal Jar Humidifier claims to regulate humidity at 70% when the crystals are hydrated with Xikar Propylene Glycol solution. This claim is even written on the jar. I'm currently setting up a large cooler so a bought a couple of these to try as a substitute for Boveda packs.

Results showed me these jars don't work as advertised. In the chart below, I had a calibrated Govee hygrometer in a Sherman Traveldor with a 69% RH Boveda pack from Monday through Thursday morning. On Thursday morning, I removed the Boveda pack and replaced it with the Xikar Crystal Jar. The jar topped out at 86% RH as you can see in the chart below. At first I thought I may have overfilled the jar so I let it sit out for several days to dry out a bit and ran the test a second time. The chart below was from my 2nd test. The jars just don't work. I have posted my results as a review on the Northwoods Humidors website where I purchased these items.


10-26-2022, 07:35 PM
Any style product like this will give you similar results. If its not a 2 way solution then the best way to look at them is just a way to add humidity over time. They are also highly effected by temperature. Throw two of these jars in a full cooler with cigars and they are solid. I think people over complicate humidity. Over time you will get used to your setup and will be able to just know if things are too high or too low. Like a cook who does not measure anything but makes great dishes everytime Thanks for sharing your experience.

11-01-2022, 04:35 PM
Northwoods acted like they were interested in helping me resolve my problem last week so I dropped 4 empty sealed Sistema 7L boxes (as a space filler) into the 152 Quart Cooler with two of the Xikar Gel jars. It took longer to get up to a somewhat stable humidity level, but they still run much too wet. Putting a couple of these in a sealed cooler is just asking for moldy cigars. Oh well....I tried.
