View Full Version : RH difference between tupperdoors and coolerdor

07-30-2021, 07:39 AM
So, I have 7 Sistema Klip It tupperdors with 65% bovedas and all always read a steady 65% and 68 to 70 degrees.

I also have a 74qt Iris weatherproof (lid has a gasket) plastic container, and it also reads 70 degrees currently, but 70% rh, even though it has been steady at 65% for a couple weeks once I got my Heartfelt beads adjusted properly.

The air conditioning is on the fritz since yesterday, so the temperature in my room is 75 degrees and 65% humidity (unusually high for Wyoming, but its been drizzling the last couple days)

My question is: why is my coolerdor rh so much higher than my tupperdors at the same temperature inside and out, and the same room rh (which shouldn't matter since it should be airtight with the gasket and 6 clips to latch it, unlike my tupperdors which have no gasket, but seem to be airtight anyway)?

Tupperdors are all around 50 to 75% full of loose cigars, and coolerdor has 2 empty cedar boxes and 2 full ones, as well as a large cedar tray, for stabilization. I'd call it 1/4 full roughly.

Why would the only one with an airtight gasket read higher than the tupperdors without, and read even higher than the outside humidity?

Coolerdor has 2 tested, accurate within 1%, hygrometers in it currently.

I'm at a loss as to what's going on here with the coolerdor.

Rh drops to 65% with the lid off, but climbs back to 70% quickly as soon as I put the lid back on.

Any ideas?

Fwiw, this is my first time using Heartfelt beads as I was generously given a pound of them.

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07-30-2021, 09:08 AM
Two main differences that jump out to me are coolers seal and the amount of product. A 1/4 full humidor of any type will do what you want as easy as a 50-75% full one. The humidity in air will fluctuate easier than humidity in cigars/cedar. You may want to open the drain plug at the bottom of the cooler. Humidity will tend to be higher at the bottom. Open that drain up and you will have a slight bit of air flow and may drop the interior humidity ever so slightly without having to worry about vast fluctuations.

07-30-2021, 09:13 AM
Two main differences that jump out to me are coolers seal and the amount of product. A 1/4 full humidor of any type will do what you want as easy as a 50-75% full one. The humidity in air will fluctuate easier than humidity in cigars/cedar. You may want to open the drain plug at the bottom of the cooler. Humidity will tend to be higher at the bottom. Open that drain up and you will have a slight bit of air flow and may drop the interior humidity ever so slightly without having to worry about vast fluctuations.Yeah, its been fine for 2 weeks, which also had a couple days of non-working a/c in there.
Its not actually a cooler, its basically a giant tupperdor, so I took the lid off and it is down a few percent to what I show for the rh in the room.

Just don't get why its so high all of a sudden, and why my smaller tupperdoors aren't effected.

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07-30-2021, 10:31 AM
I would think that the cooler interior would react less/slower to exterior temp changes than the Tupperware.
Have you recently added new cigars?

07-30-2021, 10:36 AM
I would think that the cooler interior would react less/slower to exterior temp changes than the Tupperware.
Have you recently added new cigars?Its not an actual cooler, which if it was, I would think you are correct about reaction time.

Its basically a giant tupperdor.

Added a couple of boxes of mixed singles I was generously gifted about a week ago so they shouldn't be over humidified from a vendor since they came from someone's stash instead.

Plus, everything has been fine since I added them a week ago until today.

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08-01-2021, 09:57 PM
May have something to do with moisture needing to spread within a large open volume; the packs are outputting more to do so; they're not really absorbing much because of the open volume; cedar may be doing the absorbing - causing more output from the packs and beads, thus higher humidity. Only my theory.

Maybe it needs more time to acclimate?