View Full Version : Hello all
02-22-2015, 02:25 PM
New to this forum thing. Hopefully going to find some new tasty treats from reading what everyone is boy jp1979 introduced me to all of this. Smoking the best as well
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02-22-2015, 02:27 PM
Glad you could join us
02-22-2015, 02:29 PM
New to this forum thing. Hopefully going to find some new tasty treats from reading what everyone is boy jp1979 introduced me to all of this. Smoking the best as well
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Boom! What's up bro! Lot of knowledgeable guys on here to learn stuff from. Welcome aboard.
02-22-2015, 03:03 PM
Welcome Chris. see you around the bum
02-22-2015, 03:15 PM
Hey Chris glad your here there's plenty to learn and lots of fun. Enjoy
Tobias Lutz
02-22-2015, 03:47 PM
Welcome to CB, Chris. If Justin sent you then this ought to go well :rolleyes:
02-22-2015, 03:49 PM
Welcome to the Bum!
02-22-2015, 03:57 PM
Welcome from Texas!
02-22-2015, 04:12 PM
Welcome to CB, Chris. If Justin sent you then this ought to go well :rolleyes:
whats that supposed to mean?????? :bull_head:
Hey, Chris... welcome aboard! :)
Old Smokey
02-22-2015, 06:14 PM
Welcome Chris. Any friend of Justins is, well, a friend of Justins.:cool:
I got nuttin!
penna stogey
02-28-2015, 11:45 AM